Sunday, September 2, 2012

I am enough

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The verses that God has laid on my heart are Isaiah 43:18-19 and 44:3-5. An amazing promise. But take heed the warning that comes in 43:22-23. The people had not honoured God. What do we present to God, our faults or our offerings.
When I look in the mirror  I see something that is different to what everyone else sees. We see the strengths in others and the weaknesses in ourselves.  Till I decided.  When things aren't adding up in life start subtracting. 
Hence the equation.
i = e +

I  -  aɪ(pron.)I; my; mine; me
(pron.)the nominative singular pronoun used by a speaker or writer in referring to himself or herself.

e = enough
  1. adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire:
    enough water; noise enough to wake the dead.
  2. (pron.)an adequate quantity or number; sufficiency
I am enough
I have never been one to fit in, go with the fashions, do what everyone else is doing.
I was either not good enough or too good. When I realised that the very act of being different is what God requires of us. Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the RENEWING of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and PERFECT will of God.

I like things a certain way. It wasn't until I saw my boys doing the exact same thing that I realised just what I was passing on to them. Things don't have to be perfect to be wonderful.

On the other hand when someone sees what I have done well  it is "so much better than I could do".  I worry that I make someone feel inadequate. What have I got to share? My answer more than I can imagine.

I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. Diane Ackerman

I could just curl up in my corner of the world and get on with my life. But there is more too it than that. I need to share what I know. There have been so many times that I have thought how great it would be to have known then what I know now . I know that there is learning in the climb up the mountain. But it seems to have taken so long to get to this point. I would love to have someone to journey with

I read a lot. I especially love Christian fiction. Karen Kingsbury would have to be one of my favs. She has an amazing talent for bringing characters to life. Her characters deal with all kinds of trials. How easy it is to write how it all ends. You are able to edit it to make it the best story there is. How many times I have read them and thought how great it would be to have a story like that. I can't go back and change what has already been but I can choose how I more forward.

It is not that I am any better or smarter or clever or wiser or prettier. There will always be someone who is more than me.   You may have noticed something all these words have in common, the ending – ER. You can read more about the ER complex here.  When we continue to chase the ideal that is exactly where we will end up. Stop trying to apply for my job it is already taken.
We place expectations on ourselves that we can never live up to. As Chris Rice says in his song is life for you 'like trying to smell the colour 9”

When you think you aren't enough He is more than enough.
2 Cor 12:9 My grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Jer 31:3 ...I have loved you with an everlasting love
God is not disappointed in you. He loves you. He came so that you could have life and life to the full.

You are enough.

To be continued.......

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